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President Biden Once Said!

“Trump has set his sights on abolishing the Diversity Visa lottery. This is a program that brings up to 50,000 immigrants from underrepresented countries to the U.S. each year. He has disparaged the system as a “horror show” and repeatedly misrepresents how the lottery is administered, while demonizing and insulting with racist overtones those who receive the visas. Diversity preferences are essential to preserving a robust and vibrant immigration system. As president, I will reaffirm our core values and preserve the critical role of diversity preferences to ensure immigrants everywhere have the chance to legally become U.S. citizens. “

Joe Biden, 46th & Current President of The United States


America is a nation that values immigrants. It is and has always been one of our greatest strengths.

We need a president who understands that.

Originally tweeted by Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) on October 20, 2020.

From my days as a public defender to my time as Vice President — I’ve spent my career fighting against injustice. And I’m not finished yet.

Originally tweeted by Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) on June 22, 2020.

This nation has always strived to serve as a beacon of hope, but Trump has made it clear that he does not believe our country should be a place of refuge.

As president, I’ll recommit to building a more inclusive and welcoming America. #WorldRefugeeDay

Originally tweeted by Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) on June 20, 2020.

To everyone who is scared, hurting, and wondering what’s going to happen next: I want you to know I see you. I hear you. And I’ll fight for you every single day in the White House.

Originally tweeted by Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) on June 23, 2020.