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“Please do not separate families!”

I’m Aynur. I’m a winner of DV2020.

On March 6, 2020, me, my wife and daughter were invited for an interview. If the whole process up to this stage had not been completed successfully, not all of us would have been invited to the interview. My daughter and I received a medical report, but my wife asked for a detailed medical report because of the spotting she had seen due to a lung disease she had 10 years ago.

Even giving these assays took 3 days. The results were obtained in 2.5 months on average. He had an interview with my wife on March 6. Visa fee paid and they said that when the medical report comes, his visa will be issued.

I and my 3-year-old daughter had our visa. But one side of us was very sad. It was very difficult for me to migrate to a place I had never known without my wife. A medical report came out exactly 2.5 months later on May 4. Ankara consulate sent an e-mail. Congratulations, your health report has arrived. No problem. That is, the report came out clean. However, it was said that we cannot issue a visa because of the visa suspension process signed by Trump on April 23. However, our process started on March 6, so it started long before. Everything was suitable. Even the necessary payments were made. The documents had been given. It was not our fault that the medical report came out in that time.

Despite that, no visa was issued. We were very stressed with this news. I had panic attack disorder and I started using medication during this time. Vertigo has also gone into discomfort. It was an immigration visa and we were expected to emigrate without my wife, my daughter and her father. This was a complete disappointment for us when we think of US justice. This situation affected the immigration situation as my husband would not be with us and in order not to lose our visa right, my daughter went to the USA in August. We stayed for a while and came back. .

Meanwhile, on September 5, visa was given again and they asked for a health report from my wife again. Because my wife’s health report was 3 months, not 6 months like others. We wanted to issue a new health report by paying all kinds of expenses and giving analysis for 3 days. The 2nd Health Report was also published in November, but this time it was said that the 30 September 2020 deadline was over. My wife’s medical report expires on February 23. We sent e-mails many times, but the result was always negative. Since my wife was in Ankara for 4 days, she could not get permission from her workplace and had to leave her workplace. We suffered financial damage, but our goal was to complete our process. Again, our dreams were broken with negative news.

Now, me and my daughter will migrate alone. This situation severely eroded our family integrity. Since my daughter is small and the US doesn’t know anyone to help, the first times will be very difficult. If my wife was with me, we would look at our daughter and work. We used to establish a new life, a new order together. But my worries increased due to this victimization.

The consulate recommends that I apply for spouse status, but this process may take an average of 2 years. How 2 years my daughter grows apart from her father? Why should they live apart when my daughter needs her father most and her father is alive? This situation really worn us out. This visa is not a business visa, it is not an education visa. Immigration visa as it is named. And a visa is not given to someone who has fulfilled all the conditions. Our family is dividing. The more difficult it is for me, the more difficult it may be for my daughter, and it may even create a trava effect, if she lives separately from her father.

Please hear our voices and quickly make way for DV2020s. We did not cause the pandemic, this force majeure was a war for the world. Therefore, as a victim, we should not be billed. We applied as a family. She attended the interview as a family. We paid as a family. We submitted all the documents as a complete family. and our right to immigrate as a family.

Please do not separate families!

Aynur CAYAN SEKER – from Turkey