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“I love justice, and I think that what is being done to us DV2020 winners is unfair…”

Hello!  My name is Fatjona Shira.  I am the winner of DV2020, I received my visa in September 2020 at the Embassy of Tirana, Albania, which expires in March 2021. I can not travel because of Ban PP10014.  I have guarantors in the USA who have guaranteed me and my husband a home and a job.  I also paid for the Greed Card in October.  I studied for a Master of Criminal Law, ie I have a degree and my dream was to live in America, with my husband, to start a family, to practice my profession as a lawyer.  I love justice, and I think that what is being done to us DV2020 winners is unfair, to burn our visas not through our fault.  Please drop PP10014, and if not give us the opportunity to travel where our visa expires.  Please!